LC Youth Sports will use the same rules that Lewis County Flag Football followed. (Attached Below)
Basic Rules
- The quarterback isn’t allowed to run with the ball, unless it was handed off first. They can run behind the line of scrimmage, but they can’t gain yardage.
- All passes must go forward and be received beyond the line of scrimmage.
- Laterals and pitches aren’t allowed—only direct handoffs are permitted.
- Center sneak plays aren’t allowed.
- There are no fumbles. Instead, the ball stays in possession of the offense and is spotted where the ball-carrier’s feet were when the fumble occurred.
- The ball is dead when: the ball-carrier’s flag is pulled, the ball-carrier steps out of bound, a touchdown or safety is scored, the ball-carrier’s knee hits the ground, or the ball-carrier’s flag falls off.
- Players can’t obstruct or guard their flags.